Think Before You Click: Don’t Help Amazon Cheat California!

There’s no denying the reality that California is in desperate need of real, sustainable revenue solutions. Without those revenues in place, California has subsequently been forced year after year to impose devastating cuts to our schools, our health care, our human services, and the very core of our public infrastructure. Over the last four fiscal years, total cuts to our health care and human services programs have totaled more than $15 billion.

Yet, despite consecutive years of endless budget cuts —, one of just a handful of the wealthiest corporations benefiting from outrageous tax breaks and loopholes in California, is now asking Californians to pay for an election to overturn our state tax code.

Don’t let cheat California! Click here to tell it’s time to “pay your fair share!” has made billions by doing business in California. Now they want to overturn a recently passed law that would require sales tax to be applied to online transactions – while at the same time shifting the burden onto the shoulders of California’s seniors, struggling families, low-income kids and people with disabilities.

Supported by Governor Jerry Brown, and signed into law last month, ABx1 28 stipulates that out-of-state Internet retailers must collect sales tax from Californians if they have a physical presence in the state. This new policy would generate roughly $200 million in additional sales tax annually, but would also remove an unfair advantage for online retailers like competing with traditional small and family owned businesses.

Multi-billion dollar companies like have long taken advantage of overly generous tax breaks and loopholes that deprive our families, our communities, our seniors, and all Californians of the necessary resources needed to make sure we all enjoy a bright, prosperous future. But now they want to go even further and completely overturn the state’s tax code in order to reverse a recently passed law, while asking California to foot the bill! is willing to spend millions to try and manipulate the polls in order to protect their profit margins. If succeeds in overturning our state tax code, that means more seniors, more families, and more children will be forced to endure even more life-threatening cuts down the road.

Let your voice be heard today! Don’t help cheat California — Click here to tell to “pay your fair share!”

Our goal is to get 2,000 signatures by August 30! But we need your help! After you’ve signed the petition, PLEASE forward it on to at least 10 of your friends, family members, or coworkers and ask them to take a minute to sign the petition for economic justice in California!