Member Activist Graduation

One of the highlights at the Delegate Assembly was the graduation of a new generation of Member Activists, or MAs, from the first level of the pilot Local 21 Steward Training Program.

“We are committed to developing a unique and innovative program that will help build a strong organization of well-trained activists and stewards in each of our chapters throughout Local 21,” said L21 Executive Director Bob Muscat, congratulating the graduates as they came to the podium one-by-one to receive their Member Activist pins.

Following Muscat’s opening remarks, 28 graduates were recognized. After all names were called, the group received a standing ovation from the over 100 delegates in attendance.

The new MAs have all completed the first phase of the three-level training process. When MAs complete the second level, they will be Stewards, and after completing the third level, they will officially be recognized as Senior Stewards. In the meantime, it is important to note that MAs cannot yet file grievances. Only Stewards possess the authority and training to do so.  

 L21 has taken the time to carefully develop these programs. Less about immediate results, the Steward Training Program is more about developing sustainable, long-term leadership for today and tomorrow’s Union. Stay tuned as we gear up for the second and third levels of this important L21 initiative.