The Professional Association of County Employees (PACE) bargaining team, which represents social service professionals in Alameda County, has been engaged in negotiations with the County for a new contract since November. After four bargaining sessions, the most significant proposals received from the County have been takeaways, including an increase in the amount we pay for our medical premiums and a decrease in the amount of child bonding leave.
The L21 bargaining team, however, is pushing back, proposing a number of benefit improvements including: an across-the-board wage increase, equity increases for certain classifications, an expansion of employees eligible to purchase vacation time, increased management leave and management benefits, modifications to flex time, premium pay to address workload issues for supervising eligibility technicians, and contract language that helps address supervisors’ concerns about the County’s problematic work space plans.
The next bargaining session has been scheduled for January 2016, so stay tuned for further reports!