The first step in bargaining preparation for 2017 CCSF negotiations will be chapter officers putting together recommendations for bargaining proposals and priorities.
Chapter leaders need to hear from their fellow members this summer at meetings so that they have a full understanding of their chapter’s needs. This is a democratic process, so make sure your voice is heard! If you don’t know when your next chapter meeting is, check with your chapter leaders or your Local 21 Representative.
Local 21 will also be holding equity adjustment trainings for members later this summer. The trainings will equip our members with know-how on how to do an equity adjustment study. Equity adjustment studies look at the current market wage for a class or series to determine whether a modification in salary range is appropriate. If you believe that your classification or series is collectively paid below market and would like to submit an equity adjustment proposal, please plan on attending. The dates and times for the trainings will be announced in the coming weeks.
On June 10, Local 21 chapter leaders and staff took part in the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) Blitz, a multi hour meeting and walkthrough of the PUC. The team talked to members about bargaining prep, answered questions, and signed up fee payers to become members. Even though fee payers contribute dues money, they are not a part of the bargaining process because they are not full members. After signing up for membership, the former fee payers can fully participate and have a voice in the upcoming bargaining process.
We’d like to thank the amazing member leaders who assisted at the PUC Blitz and signed up 14 new members! Kudos!
If you know someone who is a fee payer and has not yet signed up for full union membership, they can do so here. The cost is the same, but only full union members have the opportunity to give input on what our bargaining priorities will be, receive bargaining updates, and vote to reject or accept the contract. In addition, only members can attend chapter meetings, vote on contracts, receive union newsletters, and vote in officer elections.