What Do You Want Discussed in the Next Labor/Management Meeting?

Two IFPTE members at a meetingOn June 14, Local 21 met with Department of Human Resources (DHR) representatives for the quarterly Union/ City Relations Committee (UCRC).
The UCRC is a diplomatic forum where Local 21 and management sit down to discuss issues that arise which may not be appropriate for the grievance process, but can benefit from mutual discussion and problem solving.
Union representatives in attendance at the June 14 meeting were SF Vice President Gus Vallejo and Local 21 staff members Tanya Mahn and Paul Kim. On the agenda was a Q&A session with DHR specialists about the application of the law, the SF Charter, and our contract in certain areas of interest, such the city’s reasonable accommodation process under the Americans with Disabilities Act. DHR specialists were extremely helpful in answering questions, which in turn allow staff and member leaders to better answer members’ questions in the future. 
The next UCRC will be taking place in the fall. It is important that Local 21 members stand up and be proactive about notifying their chapter leaders and Local 21 Representatives about any issues they are aware of in their workplaces. More information will make these labor/management meetings more productive and beneficial to Local 21 members!
KNOW YOUR CONTRACT! To read about the UCRC in the CCSF MOU, click here!