IFPTE International Organizer An Asset to Local 21

IFPTE Local 21 welcomes seasoned organizer Paul Thurston from IFPTE International. He brings years of extensive organizing experience and a deep knowledge of labor to Local 21.

Hired as the IFPTE West Coast International Organizer, he has already helped our sister union, Local 20, with organizing 65 new health care workers in a few short months.

He is currently working to grow Local 21’s membership by organizing unrepresented workers in the Bay Area, and will be a great asset to our union during the upcoming 2017 bargaining season.

Before landing at IFPTE, Thurston organized higher education and medical professionals for a large international union for 5 years. Prior to that, he spent 2 years doing political organizing and campaigning.

Thurston went to school at Orlando University Central Florida, where he majored in political science and sociology.

His favorite part about organizing? “The look in someone’s eyes when they realize that this isn’t the way it has to be, that there’s a way to make positive change.” Oh, and “I also like messing with the bosses.”