Alameda Labor Council
Labor Day Picnic
When: Monday, September 5th
Time: 11:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Where: Alameda Point Park, 2700 Saratoga St., Alameda
Admission: Free admission, food, and fun for members and their families. Bring blankets, chairs, and other picnic items as you enjoy the music.
For more information:
Mark Hawkins – Logistics/Food/Volunteers at 510.938.3632
Richard Fierro – Political/Press/Non-Profits at 510.673-0731
Kelsey Frazier – Motorcycle Ride at 510.612.2468
E-mail – labordaycelebration@yahoo.com
Contra Costa CLC
Labor Day BBQ Hosted by: Young Workers of Contra Costa
When: Monday, September 5th
Time: 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Where: John F. Baldwin Park, Bonifacio St. & Parkside Cir., Concord, 94519
Admission: Donations will be accepted
RSVP to: 925.228.0161 or email joe@cclabor.net
Napa-Solano CLC & Ironworkers Local 378
Labor Day Breakfast 2016
When: Monday, September 5th
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Where: Ironworkers Local 378 Hall, 3120 Bayshore Rd., Benicia, 94510
Admission: Adults – $30.00; children (4-12) – $5.00; children under 3 and out of work union members are free
This is a Family Friendly event, so bring the kids to see Kelly the Clown!
For more information: For tickets and sponsorship levels, please contact Justin Bailey, Napa-Solano CLC, 445 Nebraska Street, Vallejo, 94590
Phone: 707.246.9727
E-mail: justinforjobsnsclc@gmail.com
North Bay Labor Council
Annual Labor Day 2016 Pancake Breakfast – Celebrate the Working Class with Syrup!!
Join union members, activists, working families, and friends as we celebrate the Working Class!
When: Monday, September 5th
Time: Pancake breakfast served at 8:00 a.m. with program starting at 9:00 a.m.
Where: Carpenters’ Labor Center, 1700 Corby Ave., Santa Rosa, CA 95407
Contact: For information, volunteer, sponsor, hang your local’s banner, or have a table for your materials, please contact Cindi at 707.545.6970 (office) or 707.508.7894 (cell), e-mail: cindi_nblc@att.net
Sacramento CLC
Labor Day Picnic at the Park – BBQ by Sacramento City Eats and Live DJ Music
When: Monday, September 5th
Time: 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
River Cats game: First pitch at 1:05 p.m.
Where: River Walk Park, 65 2nd Street, West Sacramento – Parking is available in the parking structure for $7 – bring lawn chairs and blankets
River Cats Field – 400 Ballpark Drive, West Sacramento
Admission: BBQ is free for union members and their families
River Cats tickets are available for $10 per person for general admission to members and their families – River Casts vs. Albuquerque Isotopes
Parking: Carpool parking is free with 4 or more people per vehicle
Otherwise there is a $10 fee to park
For more information:Contact Teresa Villasenor at teresa@sacramentolabor.orgor 916.927.9772
San Francisco Labor Council
Annual Pre-Labor Day Breakfast
When: Friday, September 2nd
Time: 8:00 a.m.
Where: Holiday Inn Golden Gateway, 1500 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco
Admission: $75 per person or $750 for a table of 10
For more information: RSVP to Emily Nelson at emily@sflaborcouncil.orgor 415.440.4809
South Bay Labor Council
Labor Day Picnic 2016
When: Monday, September 5th
Time: 11:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Where: Alum Rock Park, ‘Log Cabin Picnic Grounds’, 15350 Penitencia Creek Rd., San Jose
Parking: Limited free parking passes: first come, first served
Activities: BBQ, playground, face painting, and arts & crafts booth. Bring the whole family.
For more information: RSVP by Monday, August 29th at 408.606.2060 or