Employee Development Fund System for Pre-Approval is Open

The online portal for Local 21 members to submit approval requests for employee development is now open. The online tuition reimbursement system is open for FY17/18 pre-approval requests. The system opened on Tuesday, September 12, 2017. You can find the forms here.

Local 21 has been negotiating a settlement with the City after numerous Local 21 members came forward with problems relating to reimbursement from the Employee Development Fund (EDF). Though this process is ongoing, it is important that Local 21 members continue to use the EDF.

In the past, Local 21 has managed to increase the EDF from $500k to $750k by showing that our members use the funds to the fullest amount. We encourage members to continue to apply for EDF while we are still pressuring the City to fix the EDF reimbursement problem.