Representative/ Organizer Subha Varadarajan Leaves Local 21 After 11 Years to Work on Organizing Against the Muslim Ban

After working at Local 21 for 11 years, Representative/Organizer Subha Varadarajan is moving on to be the a Legal and Outreach Fellow for both the National Immigration Law Center and the Council for American and Islamic Relations.

We want to thank her for more than ten years of professional representation on behalf of the members of Local 21. We are very proud of her and admire her choice of future employment.

“This is an exciting opportunity for me since I will be leading a nationwide organizing effort against the Muslim ban,” said Subha.

“We’re very proud of Subha for furthering her activism during such a crucial time,” said Executive Director Bob Muscat. “Our membership should be thankful for all that Subha has done, for both the San Francsico and Oakland members, during her time with us.”

We with Subha the best in her future endeavors!