Research/ Legal Specialist Ana Guzina Leaves Local 21 to Work with Refugees

Ana Guzina, Local 21’s Research/Legal Specialist, is leaving her position to move to New York City to work as the Senior Staff Attorney for the Refugee Representation program at Human Rights First.

“This is my dream job and an opportunity I can’t pass up,” said Ana. “It has been an honor to work alongside such amazing and committed colleagues and activists these last five years. Thank you for the professional and personal development you have provided me with during my time here. I have enjoyed working for Local 21 and will miss you all.”

Executive Director Bob Muscat said, “After 5 years with Local 21, we will all miss her given the great work she’s performed for our union and our members.  She has been a great colleague. We congratulate her for her success in finding immigration-related legal work in New York, an activist area we know she greatly cares about.”

Local 21 thanks Ana for all her work, and wishes Ana the best in her future endeavors!