Are You Doing Higher Level Work for Free? Ask for Acting Assignment Pay!

If you do the work, get the credit (and extra 5%) for it!

What’s Acting Assignment Pay and how do you apply for it? Below we list a few FAQs on the issue, and give you a simple guide on how you can file for Acting Assignment Pay. We hope that this is helpful for members who qualify for Acting Assignment Pay. If you have further questions or feel like there is something useful that is missing, please let your rep know!

How to Ask for Acting Assignment Pay, and Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Acting Assignment Pay?

Acting Assignment Pay is a temporary 5% increase to your base salary to perform a substantial portion of the duties and responsibilities of a higher classification. Anyone can apply for it.

Example: A Class 5241 Engineer, at step 5, is acting as a class 5212 Engineer/Architect Principal. They should be getting 5% above their base salary as Acting Assignment Pay.

Q: How is Acting Assignment pay different from Extended Range or Supervisory Differential?

Anyone can apply for Acting Assignment Pay, and it’s for anyone performing a substantial amount of work in a higher classification than their own.

Extended Range is only eligible for certain classes, and it’s for doing exception work within your OWN class, not a higher class.

Supervisory Differential Pay is for when you are supervising someone who makes more money than you.

Employees in an acting assignment are not eligible for Supervisory Differential Pay.

Q: Am I eligible for Acting Assignment Pay?

You may be. Check our contract here: Article III— Pay, Hours and Benefits Section 2 and Section 3 (pages 28-29) It reads as follows:

“Employees assigned by the Appointing Officer or designee to perform a substantial portion of the duties and responsibilities of a higher classification shall receive compensation at a higher salary if all of the following conditions are met:
a. The assignment shall be in writing.
b. The position to which the employee is assigned must be a budgeted position.
c. The employee is assigned to perform the duties of a higher classification for longer than ten (10) consecutive working days or eighty (80) hours.”

Q: How do I file for it?

If all three conditions above apply to you, start gathering your evidence; get the following documentation:

  • The Job Description under which you were hired, and the Job Description for the higher classification

  • Emails from your manager assigning the work to you

  • Documentation of the project/assignment

Then, email your boss asking for Acting Assignment Pay.

  • Your email should be polite and succinct

  • Quote the contract language above and ask if it applies to you

  • Give a brief description of the assigment/duties you think are out of class

  • You can also fill out this form and give it to your Supervisor; they have to sign it to approve it. Usually an employee requests Acting Assignment Pay, and then the supervisor fills out and signs the form.

Afterwards, make sure to follow up! The Appointing Officer (your boss or designee) has 30 days to respond in writing. If they do not respond, or deny you, talk to your Chapter President about next steps. Find your Chapter President here!

Q: What if I don’t meet ALL the conditions, only a one or two of them?

If you don’t meet those criteria but you believe (and have evidence) that you are being assigned a significant portion of duties from a higher class, you can file for Acting Assignment Pay and if denied, talk to your Chapter President about next steps. It can be hard to win these cases, but it’s not impossible.

Q: If I get approved for Acting Assignment Pay, when do I start seeing it?

When your Appointing Officer approves your request, you’ll start getting paid on the 11th day of the Acting Assignment, and retroactive to the first day that you started the Acting Assignment.

Q: Are there additional resources?

Yes. You can read Department of Human Resources’ guide on it here.