Announcement of Final Candidates for Executive Committee Officer Election

The Election Committee is pleased to announce the final candidates for the union-wide election.

Dean Coate
Gus Vallejo

Executive Vice President
Sue Guest

Vice President for San Francisco
Danielle Harris
Jo Elias Jackson
Rinaldi Wibowo

Vice President for the East Bay
Cheryl Penick
Maurica Epperson     

Vice President for Oakland
Anthony Reese
Renee Sykes

Vice President for the South Bay
Ananth Prasad

Vice President for Membership & Organization
David Herring
Peter Luong

Vice President for Legislative and Political Action
Larry Griffin

Vice President At-Large
Eileen Housteau

Gloria Lucas Davis
Jenna Castro

Moses Corrette

For detailed information regarding this election please view the Local 21 Union Officer Election page. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact the Election Committee at