Local 21 Union Election Final Results


On January 10, 2018, the California Elections Company (CEC) and the Election Committee conducted the vote count for the runoff election for the San Francisco Vice President race. Here is the official voting record for runoff. On December 1, 2017, the Election Committee sent a notice and results for all of the other executive offices. Here is the official voting record for the general union election. Following is a final and complete list of the executive committee winners.
Gus Vallejo
Executive Vice President  
Sue Guest
Vice President for San Francisco  
Rinaldi Wibowo
Vice President for the East Bay  
Cheryl Penick
Vice President for Oakland  
Anthony Reese
Vice President for the South Bay  
Ananth Prasad
Vice President for Membership & Organization  
Peter Luong
Vice President for Legislative and Political Action   
Larry Griffin
Vice President At-Large   
Eileen Housteau
Jenna Castro
Moses Corrette

All officers were simultaneously elected as Delegates to the International Union Convention. The officers will be installed at the Local 21 Delegate Assembly on January 27, 2018.  

The Election Committee consists of the following Local 21 members: Carletta Starks, Election Chair, Tedman Lee, Al Lujan, Adam Down, Ken Feliciano, and Rosie Scott.