May is Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month— Celebrate with us!


May is Asian Pacific Islander Heritage month! Local 21 has a significant amount of API (Asian Pacific Islander) members, and in recognition of that, we have a Local 21 API Caucus. Sign up for updates and invites to events and activities here!


In celebration of Asian Pacific Islander Heritage month, we will be sending emails next month on prominent API activists who have made a difference in American history. We will also be hosting a Local 21 API Caucus karaoke on May 17th. RSVP for the event here! Everyone is welcome, regardless of background.


Want to check out events in the Bay Area for Asian Pacific American Heritage month? From film screenings to free tastings of Asian snacks, there is plenty to do this month to celebrate APAH month! Check out this calendar compiled by the APA Heritage Foundation for fun events.


The San Francisco Labor Council, along with APALA (Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance) is hosting a screening of “The Long Ride” on May 24, a timely documentary that follows the historic 2003 Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride. Local 21 Lead Representative Lamoin Werlein-Jaen will be a panelist during the discussion, and Local 21 Organizer Vivian Araullo will be moderating the discussion after the film viewing. For details on the event, view the flyer here