Say NO to Mayor Breed’s dangerous and unnecessary budget cuts.

Together with the San Francisco Labor Council, we’re saying NO to Mayor Breed’s budget cuts. The SF Labor Council is a regional body of the AFL-CIO and includes over 150 unions, representing more than 100,000 workers in SF. Join us and sign the petition now!

Working families in San Francisco deserve world-class city services — and the people who provide them should be able to care for ourselves and our loved ones. But Mayor Breed has ordered City departments to cut 3.5% from their budgets in each of the next two years, hurting already underfunded services and the people who depend on them.

Not only is this dangerous, it is completely unnecessary. For years, the City has projected deficits when it came time for budget instructions from the Mayor but over the last 5 years, San Francisco’s General Fund revenues have outpaced expenses by a cumulative $1.9 billion. City reserves are at an all-time high.

Nothing will change if we don’t fight back. Sign our petition and say NO to dangerous and unnecessary budget cuts!

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