
We are over 11,000 engineers, architects, planners, healthcare professionals, librarians, epidemiologists, accountants, auditors, computer programmers, dispatchers, chemists, building, housing and fire inspectors and advisors, managerial and administrative employees and more working for Bay Area cities, counties, school districts, and water districts.

Our mission is to serve to better serve the public and be champions for our communities.

We are decentralized; responsibility for program, direction and leadership rests largely with chapters, which are organized along employer and occupational lines. We employ a professional orientated union staff team who assist us.

The overall direction of the union is the function of the Delegate Assembly, consisting of elected representatives from all chapters. Executive Officers who together form the Executive Committee, and the Executive Director, who is employed by the Delegate Assembly.

We are governed by our local union bylaws and those of the chapters. The constitution of our union, International Federation of Professional & Technical Engineers, also speaks to membership rights and responsibilities.

Bianca Polovina (they/them) — IFPTE Local 21 President