Membership builds our collective power to win stronger pay, benefits, and public services. If you want to protect our rights and help expand them, you should join your union today.
By joining IFPTE Local 21, you will:
- Help protect our raises and benefits
- Get updates on what's going on with workplace issues
- Be able to participate in union meetings and elections
- Get exclusive invites to union events
- Have a voice in how we create a better, fairer workplace for everyone

Who is IFPTE Local 21?
IFPTE Local 21 represents over 11,000 public sector professionals, all working in key local government positions around the Bay Area. We understand the role that public servants play in carrying out the missions of city departments and agencies. We are dedicated to serving the public and championing our community.
We fight for the things public workers care about:
- Higher and more equal pay
- Excellent health and pension benefits
- Access to representation on employment matters
- Enhancing and defending professional rights
- Strengthening our public services
What is a union?
Unions are workers who stand together to bargain with their bosses for better pay, safer working conditions, and good benefits. Individually, workers don’t have much power in the workplace. But when we act collectively, we have a seat at the table and can influence our employers.
We provide comprehensive support in enforcing contracts, increasing bargaining power, and negotiating at the table.
- Experienced negotiators at the table
- In-Depth benefit and salary research
- Legal and professional representation
- Resources, trainings, and communications