2012 Union Officer Election: Call for Volunteers to Serve on Nominating Committee

Elections for the eleven Local Union officers (also known as the Executive Committee) will be held this November. In accordance with Article XIII of the Local 21 Bylaws, the Executive Committee shall appoint a seven (7) member Nominating Committee (representing seven different chapters) to compile a list of at least one available nominee for each of the eleven officer positions. The Executive Committee will appoint the Nominating Committee at their July 26 meeting.

Nominating Committee members should expect to spend approximately 15 hours in completing the committee’s work. This will primarily consist of conference calls and outreach calls to possible nominees. Conference calls will likely be held at lunchtime or immediately following work. 

Think you might like to serve on the Nominating Committee? Please send an email expressing your interest to Local 21 staff Andrea Prebys no later than July 20. Be sure to include your chapter’s name in the email (e.g., City of Hayward, SLCEA, etc…).