Has your supervisor or department issued a new policy lately? Even if a policy has not been changed, are there new practices that impact your terms or conditions of employment? Did you know that new policies or practices are supposed to go through the union?
The Meyers Milias Brown Act requires employers to notice the Union on any changes to terms and conditions of employment and meet with us over the impacts of those changes.
Some examples of changes that may require meet and confer: increased workload, office moves, new required technology, policies on tardiness, changes in CTO approval processes, scheduling changes, and many others.
Changes that affect more than one person should be noticed to the Union and we have the right to sit down with the department to negotiate over how the changes will affect our members. As part of preparing for a “meet and confer” session we talk to affected members about questions or concerns they have about the new policy or procedure.
Not every change requires a meet and confer – but let us know and we’ll work with you to determine if the change requires a meeting.
If a new policy or procedure has been issued to you lately, forward the policy to us at union21@ifpte21.org we can be sure that you have a voice in changes in your workplace.