Every Member Counts: Focus on Growing the Union
At the October Delegate Assembly, Local 21 members and staff alike were reminded that Every Member Counts. On Oct. 17, over 100 member delegates convened at the Marriott Hotel’s Convention
At the October Delegate Assembly, Local 21 members and staff alike were reminded that Every Member Counts. On Oct. 17, over 100 member delegates convened at the Marriott Hotel’s Convention
One of the highlights at the Delegate Assembly was the graduation of a new generation of Member Activists, or MAs, from the first level of the pilot Local 21 Steward
Delegates to the October assembly held at the Oakland Marriott Hotel last week had a chance to hear Derecka Mehrens give a presentation on “Is the Tech-Driven Economy Squeezing the Middle
In late September, 20 trainees in Local 21’s Steward Training Program attended the Member Activist (MA) Summit at the Local 21 office in Oakland. MAs got a chance to meet
The Delegate Assembly approved two appointments to the Executive Committee. Sue Guest was appointed to L21 Executive Vice President. She has served as Contra Costa County Chapter President since 2010
Nearly sixty Local 21 Members and their families participated in Union Night at the San Jose Barracuda Game on October 9. The inaugural home opener for the San Jose Sharks’
Yes, former San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed is at it again. He has filed two new statewide pension ballot measures, both of which are bad news for public employees. He
Representing Public Sector professional and technical workers in the bay area.