Local 21 Members Approve San Jose Pension Measure B Settlement TA

After years of battling and hard work, Local 21 is pleased to announce that our City of San Jose members overwhelmingly voted to ratify a framework to settle litigation over the contentious, illegal Measure B. The City Council approved the framework last week.

Measure B was part of former San Jose Mayor Reed’s attempt to eliminate vested rights and gut the pension benefits of San Jose City employees. L21 warned that Measure B would destroy City departments and services.  S
ince 2011, we have fought vigorously, on many fronts,  to overturn it — and this Settlement Agreement does just that.  

The deal restores disability protections fully; it creates a competitive Tier 2 for new hires; and it responsibly protects retiree healthcare benefit for eligible employees. In addition, the settlement creates a sensible alternative for employees hired since July 2012, while it affords Tier 1 employees (those hired before July 2012) the ability to choose which option they believe is the best for themselves.  

The Settlement Framework is the culmination of exhaustive efforts over the past four years by IFPTE Local 21 and our three San Jose City chapters: the Association of Engineers and Architects, the Association of Maintenance Supervisory Personnel and the City Association of Management Personnel. 

Local 21 Attorney Christopher Platten provides a more detailed look at the agreement in this video: