July 27, 2016
As we reported on in June, Local 21’s newest chapter, the Cupertino Employee Association (CEA), was officially adopted at the May 14 Delegate Assembly. The newly affiliated CEA has hit the ground running, already conducting 10 negotiation sessions with the City of Cupertino. The Bargaining Team is now ramping up and pressing for real change in key areas like healthcare, wages, and employee rights with substantive proposals at the bargaining table.
At a recent chapter meeting, members received bargaining updates and were informed that the City was still not willing to offer reasonable economic increases in the contract. The bargaining team received direction from the members to keep fighting for fair wage increases and healthcare relief.
Chief Negotiator Stanley Young has spoken to the Cupertino City Council twice about the need for a fair contract, and was joined at the second appearance by the CEA Bargaining Team and the Operating Engineers Local 3 Bargaining Team in an act of solidarity. Local 3 is also currently at the bargaining table with the City of Cupertino.
The fight for a fair contract escalated with Local 21’s leafleting campaign that drew attention to the disparity between Cupertino’s family healthcare costs compared to other cities in the South Bay. The City of Cupertino’s contributions for family coverage are currently 137% below the average, with CEA members paying up to $2,000 per month in premiums. Members distributed the healthcare comparison flier throughout the entire membership, posting it on cubicles and in break rooms. Local 3 members engaged in the leafleting campaign to help distribute as well.
We salute Bargaining Team members Jeff Greef, Gian Martire, Adam Araza, Alex Corbalis, and Jeff Ordway, who are joined by local 21 staffers Stanley Young (Chief Negotiator) and Linda Emin (Researcher) for their hard work and advocacy.