Save the date and spread the word!
On May 1, many organizations are calling for public actions that will draw attention to the growing attacks on our communities, including our immigrant members, public services, and unions.
The Local 21 Executive Committee has passed a resolution supporting the demands of the May 1st action:
“WHEREAS the International Federation of Professional Technical Engineers (IFPTE) Local 21 supports the United Day of Action’s calls to, or for:
- Stop the Administration’s attacks on immigrants, Muslims, and refugees;
- Defend unions – stop Right to Work laws, repeal the Taft Hartley Act;
- Equality for all – fight discrimination against women, workers of color, and LGBT people, and support women’s equality by demanding equal pay for equal work, full reproductive rights, and free childcare;
- Jobs for all through rebuilding the infrastructure and public jobs programs;
- Defeat attempts to destroy the social safety net, including subsidized healthcare”
On International Workers’ Day, we honor the sacrifices workers and immigrants have made in the fight for justice.
By building a mass movement in the streets that unites all of our struggles, we can win our fight for justice and dignity.
Below are a list of actions around the Bay Area. You can also view more events on the California Labor Federation’s website here. We would like to remind members that while they are encouraged to join, they should plan on using their own approved leave time to avoid any possible discipline.
San Francisco
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ICE Building
630 Sansome St
San Francisco 94111
8am: Protest at the ICE building in the Financial District
9am: Breakfast / rally at ILWU Local 10
11am: Assembly at Justin Herman Plaza
12pm: March to Civic Center
2 pm: Rally at Civic Center
RSVP on Facebook
Fruitvale Plaza
3526 San Leandro St
Oakland, CA 94601 United States
3pm-8pm: Meet at Fruitvale Plaza, march to San Antonio Park
at Fruitvale Plaza, Ends at San Antonio Park
San Jose:
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Mexican Heritage Plaza
1700 Alum Rock Ave, San Jose 95116
1:00pm: Program begins
3:00pm: March from the Mexican Heritage Plaza/School of Arts and Culture to the Arena Gardens (Santa Clara St./ Autumn St.) along Alum Rock Ave./Santa Clara St.
If you want to get active after May 1, join the May 6th Rally for Inclusion, on the occasion of the 135th anniversary of the Chinese Exclusion Act barring the immigration of Chinese laborers and denying Chinese the right to citizenship for more than 60 years. The Rally for Inclusion is a unity event to rally the Asian and broader community around the historical connections to today’s racist attacks on Muslims, undocumented immigrants, refugees, etc.
SF Rally for Inclusion
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Saturday May 6th
12 pm – 1:30 pm
Portsmouth Square
733 Kearny St
San Francisco Chinatown