Executive Committee Officer Elections

The International Federation of Professional and 
Technical Engineers Local 21, AFL‑CIO
Executive Committee Officer Elections

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the election, please contact the ElectionCommittee@ifpte21.org.

The Election Committee consists of the following Local 21 members: Carletta Starks, Election Chair, Tedman Lee, Adam Down, Ken Feliciano, Rosie Scott, and Al Lujan. Election Committee Members Bios.

Date:                     January 10, 2018

To:                        Local 21 Members

From:                    The Election Committee

Subject:                 Executive Committee Officer Election


On January 10, 2018, the California Elections Company (CEC) and the Election Committee conducted the vote count for the runoff election for the San Francisco Vice President race. Official voting record for runoff. On December 1, 2017, the Election Committee sent a notice and results for all of the other executive offices. Official voting record for general election. Following is a complete list of the executive committee winners.


Gus Vallejo

Executive Vice President 

Sue Guest

Vice President for San Francisco 

Rinaldi Wibowo

Vice President for the East Bay 

Cheryl Penick    

Vice President for Oakland 

Anthony Reese

Vice President for the South Bay 

Ananth Prasad

Vice President for Membership & Organization 

Peter Luong

Vice President for Legislative and Political Action  

Larry Griffin

Vice President At-Large  

Eileen Housteau


Jenna Castro


Moses Corrette


All offices were simultaneously elected as a Delegate to the International Union Convention. The officers will be installed at the Local 21 Delegate Assembly on January 27, 2018.


The Election Committee consists of the following Local 21 members: Carletta Starks, Election Chair, Tedman Lee, Al Lujan, Adam Down, Ken Feliciano, and Rosie Scott.


Date:                     January 10, 2018

To:                        City and County of San Francisco Members

From:                    The Election Committee

Subject:                 San Francisco Vice President Runoff Election 

On January 10, 2018, the California Elections Company (CEC) and the Election Committee conducted the vote count for the runoff election for the San Francisco Vice President race. Official Voting Record. Final results are as follows:

Runoff Results for Vice President for San Francisco

Candidates are listed in order of the number of votes they received. To win, a candidate must receive a majority of the votes cast in the race. (* = winner of race)


Rinaldi Wibowo*                               385         54.4%

Danielle Harris                                 322         45.5%


San Francisco Vice President (SFVP) Runoff Election

No candidate received a majority of the votes, therefore, this race requires a runoff election between the top two candidates.

Vice President for San Francisco Candidates

Runoff Notice

Election Guide for SFVP Runoff

  • Rinaldi Wibowo, City and County of San Francisco, Project Manager/Associate Engineer SFO Airport, Professional Engineers Chapter  

  • Danielle J. Harris, City and County of San Francisco- Municipal Transportation Agency, Senior Transportation Planner, Planners and Environmental Specialists Chapter

Executive Committee Officer Election Results

Date:               December 1, 2017

To:                   Local 21 Members                      

From:               The Election Committee

Subject:           Executive Committee Officer Election Results

The Election Committee would like to announce the results for the Executive Officer election. The Election Committee consists of the following Local 21 members: Carletta Starks, Election Chair, Tedman Lee, Al Lujan, Adam Down, Ken Feliciano, and Rosie Scott.

Contested races with voting results are included first and uncontested races follow. Official Voting Report.

Contested Races

Candidates are listed in order of the number of votes they received. To win, a candidate must receive a majority of the votes cast in the race. (* = winner of race)

Unionwide Races

President & Delegate to International Union Convention

Gus Vallejo *              486      57.4%

Dean Coate                360      42.5%

Vice President for Membership & Organization & Delegate to International Union Convention
Peter Luong *              506      60.1%

David Herring             336      39.9%

Secretary & Delegate to International Union Convention

Jenna Castro *              495      60.0%

Gloria Lucas Davis        330      40.0%

Regional Races

Vice President for San Francisco & Delegate to International Union Convention

Danielle Harris            226      46.6%

Rinaldi Wibowo           133      27.4%

Jo Elias Jackson          125       25.8%

[No candidate received a majority of the votes, therefore, this race requires a runoff election between the top two candidates. Additional details will follow.]

Vice President for the East Bay & Delegate to International Union Convention

Cheryl Penick *          108      71.5%

Maurica Epperson       43        28.4%

Vice President for Oakland & Delegate to International Union Convention

Anthony Reese *         105      58.9%

Renee Sykes                73        41.0%


Uncontested Races

Unionwide Races

Executive Vice President & Delegate to International Union Convention
Sue Guest *


Vice President for Legislative and Political Action & Delegate to International Union Convention

Larry Griffin *

Vice President At-Large & Delegate to International Union Convention

Eileen Housteau *

Treasurer & Delegate to International Union Convention

Moses Corrette *

Regional Race

Vice President for the South Bay & Delegate to International Union Convention

Ananth Prasad *


Notice of Election 

Election Committee Guidelines

Election Calendar

Final List of Candidates

Announcement of Nominating Committee Candidates

Executive Committee Resolution for Chapter Meetings

  • Key Dates

o   May 20: Election of Union Officer Election Committee

o   July 27: EC Appoints Nominating Committee

o   August 11: Notice of Election

o   September 5: Deadline for Nominations to Nominating Committee (now closed)

o   October 10: Deadline for Nomination Petitions (now closed)

o   October 10: Cutoff for Member Eligibility (now closed)

o   November 9: Date of Election (ballots were mailed)

o   November 30: Deadline for Ballots (now closed)

o   December 1: Vote Count (now closed)


Meet the Candidates

Election Guide


  • Gus Vallejo, City and County of San Francisco- Employees’ Retirement System, 1054 – IS Business Analyst-Principal, Information Technology Professionals Chapter 

  • Dean Coate, City and County of San Francisco- Municipal Transportation Agency, IS Business Analyst, Information Technology Professionals Chapter 

Executive Vice President

  •  Sue Guest, Contra Costa County, Public Health Nurse Program Manager, Contra Costa County Chapter

Vice President for San Francisco

  • Rinaldi Wibowo, City and County of San Francisco, Associate Engineer, Professional Engineers Chapter  

  • Danielle J. Harris, City and County of San Francisco- Municipal Transportation Agency, Senior Transportation Planner, Planners and Environmental Specialists Chapter

  • Jo Elias-Jackson, City and County of San Francisco, IS Business Analyst-Principal, Information Technology Professionals Chapter 

Vice President for the East Bay

  • Cheryl Penick, City of Hayward, Librarian I, Hayward Chapter

  • Maurica Epperson, Alameda County Social Services, Supervising Eligibility Technician I, Alameda County Social Services- PACE Chapter

Vice President for Oakland

  • Anthony J. Reese, City of Oakland, Real Estate Agent, Oakland Engineers & Architects

  • Renee Sykes, City of Oakland, Neighborhood Services Coordinator, Oakland Administrative & Professionals (A & W Chapter)

Vice President for the South Bay

  •  Ananth Prasad, Santa Clara County, Senior Civil Engineer, Santa Clara County Engineers and Architects Chapter

Vice President for Membership & Organization

  • Peter Luong, City and County of San Francisco, 5241 Engineer, Professional Engineers Chapter  

  • David Herring, City and County of San Francisco, Senior Housing Inspector, Health & Safety Professionals Chapter

Vice President for Legislative and Political Action

  • Larry Griffin, City and County of San Francisco, Contract Compliance Officer I, At-Large Chapter

Vice President At-Large

  • Eileen Housteau, City and County of San Francisco, Principal Administrative Analyst, Administrative Analysts & Personnel Professionals Chapter


  • Gloria Lucas-Davis, City and County of San Francisco-Department of Public Health, 1942 Assistant Materials-Software Purchasing Coordinator, Purchasers Chapter

  • Jenna Castro, City and County of San Francisco, Associate Engineer, Professional Engineers Chapter  


  •  Moses Corrette, City and County of San Francisco, Planner III, Planners & Environmental Specialists Chapter 


* In accordance with the Election Guidelines candidate names will appear on the ballot in the order they were drawn out of an envelope (we used random drawing rather than alphabetical order to determine placement).