International Convention Election Results

Election Results

Campaigning at Chapter Meetings

Candidate Statements

Announcement of Candidates

Da:       May 10, 2018

To:       Local 21 Members

Fr:        IFPTE Local 21

Re:       Elected Delegates for the International Convention

Earlier today, the Election Committee conducted the vote count for the election of the Local 21 delegates to our International Union’s triennial convention.The Election Committee consists of Executive Committee members: Cheryl Penick, Chair, Gus Vallejo, and Moses Corrette.

Contested races with voting results are included first, followed by the uncontested race. Official Voting Report.

Candidates are listed in order of the number of votes they received. Those candidates receiving enough votes to be elected are shown with an *.  (* = elected as Delegate). An alternate was elected from each region in case the delegate cannot attend.

Contested Races

Oakland Region (1 Delegate)

San Francisco Region (5 Delegates)

East Bay Region (3 Delegates)

Uncontested Race

South Bay (1 Delegate)

Olympia Williams

On Thursday, April 5, ballots were mailed to all members in good standing in the three contested regions: San Francisco, the East Bay, and Oakland. To learn more about the candidates, please read the candidates statements.  To be eligible, members are required to have joined the union by March 22.

Ballots must be received in the San Francisco union office by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, May 7, 2018.  When mailing ballots, please allow three business days for delivery. You may also hand-carry ballots to the union office at: 1167 Mission Street, 2nd floor, San Francisco.

If you did not receive a ballot and believe you should have, please email to request a provisional ballot and include your jurisdiction and current mailing address. You can also call the union office at (415) 864-2100 to request a provisional ballot.  



The Election Committee received a question regarding the rules for observers for the upcoming vote count. The following rules will be in place for the vote count for the Local 21 Delegates to the International Convention that the Election Committee will conduct on May 10 at the Local 21 Office in San Francisco.


Observer Guidelines

No candidate will be allowed to have more than one observer present at any time, but you can change observers throughout the day.  The observer’s role is limited to observing the election process, asking procedural questions, challenging the eligibility of any individual voter, and lodging protests with the Election Committee, as appropriate.

1.  The observer can be the candidate or anyone of the candidate’s choosing (the observer is not required to be a Local 21 member);

2.  You must notify the Election Committee of your observer’s name(s) by no later than 12:00 noon on Wednesday, May 9. This rule applies even if the candidate is going to be the person acting as observer.  This notification should be sent to the Election Committee

3.  Observers will sign an observer log indicating the times they were present;

4.  Observers will wear an identifying nametag while in the ballot tabulation room;

5.  Observers may challenge the eligibility of any voter by clearly specifying the basis for the objection to the Election Committee;

6.  Observers do not have the right to count or handle the ballots in any way but will be allowed to observe all procedures closely (there will be a designated area from which observers can monitor the sorting, tabulation, etc.)



There was a question about the rules around endorsements for the IU Convention election that was sent to the Election Committee. The Election Committee discussed the question and because endorsements for this election have not been allowed in the past and many members have already voted, adding a process now would not be fair. Therefore, endorsements by individuals is not allowed. Chapters, councils or any other official body of the union are not allowed to make an endorsement of a candidate or group of candidates in the name of the chapter or council. Such action could easily be construed as an official advisement to members, thereby violating the basic rule that the union must remain neutral in the matter of internal union elections.

On March 8, the union notified the membership about an election of the Local 21 delegates to our International Union’s triennial convention. All members in good standing were given the opportunity to submit a nomination petition to attend the convention. Petitions were due on Thursday, March 22. The twenty-person delegation will be made up of the ten delegates that will be elected and ten of the eleven recently elected Executive Committee officers.

In accordance with Article XVI of the Local 21 Bylaws, the elected delegates will be distributed between the five Local 21 regions* (San Francisco, Oakland, East Bay, South Bay, and At-Large) based on representation numbers, according to the January 2018 EC Membership Report. Delegates will also be elected as proxies so that the union can vote with their full strength at the convention. An alternate will be elected from each region in case the delegate cannot attend. No members from the At-Large region submitted a nomination petition; therefore, the Election Committee has reallocated that delegate position to the East Bay region. Delegate breakdown is as follows:

Below is the final list of candidates, separated by region. Names are listed in random order.

San Francisco (5 delegates)

Cody Hicks

Derek Omakaro

Damon Curtis

Michelle Pollard

Michael Louie

Jo Elias-Jackson

Gloria Lucas-Davis

Tedman Lee

Dean Coate

Marshia Herring

Danny Yeung

John Calderon

Cary Dare

Oakland (1 delegate)

Renee Sykes

Bert Chang

East Bay (3 delegates)

Michelle Tran

Haitham Ahmed

Michelle Torres

Carletta Starks

Scott Hutchinson

Miguel Del Rio

South Bay (1 delegate)

Olympia Williams

Three regions, including, San Francisco, Oakland, and the East Bay are contested races. All members in good standing from these regions will be mailed a ballot by April 5 to elect the delegate(s) for their region. Candidates were given the opportunity to provide short candidate statements that will be mailed out with the ballots. Additional details about the election will be posted on the Local 21 website.

** The election is being overseen by the Election Committee, made up of Cheryl Penick, Chair, Gus Vallejo, and Moses Corrette.

Key Election Dates

March 8:          Notice of Election & Nomination Petitions

March 16:        Additional Details Available

March 22:        Nomination Petitions Due to San Francisco Office (nomination period closed)

                        Member Eligibility Deadline

March 26:        Candidate Statements Due, 75 words max

March 27:        Announcement of Candidates

April 5:            Ballots mailed to all members’ home addresses on file

May 7:             Ballots due back to union office

May 10:           Vote Count, conducted by the Election Committee. 9am San Francisco Office


East Bay: only members in the following chapters are eligible to vote for this office: Alameda County Counsel’s Association: Alameda County Engineers Associ