Mayor Farrell comes to Local 21 and vows support for public sector unions
For months, Local 21 and sister City unions have been advocating for a strong response from members, the community, and the City to Janus v. AFSCME, the Supreme Court case aimed at weakening public sector unions.
In March, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors unanimously adopted a strong pro-union stance in Resolution 060-18, urging the Mayor and the Department of Human Resources to support strong public unions and encouraging city employees to be members of their unions. District 9 Supervisor and former Local 21 member Hillary Ronen sponsored the Resolution.
“When people can negotiate together for strong contracts, higher wages, and safer, dignified working conditions, all of us benefit, our communities are stronger, and our entire economy is made more fair,” reads the Resolution.
The Resolution calls upon the City to work with public unions on our Gold Card campaign to combat the potential effects of Janus v. AFSCME by making sure that our unions are strong and have high membership levels.
The Resolution also cites how real wages have declined in the US over the past 40 years, and in contrast, how unions close the wage gaps. “Being able to come together in unions give people – particularly women and people of color – a powerful voice in speaking up for themselves, their families, and their communities and ensures they are treated with dignity and respect at work,” the Resolution states.
Mayor Mark Farrell made an appearance at the last meeting of the Public Employees Committee (PEC), a coalition of city unions, and pledged to support city unions against the coming attacks. “I realize how important it is that San Francisco continues to be a strong union town. The Mayor’s office supports that 100%.”
If you haven’t signed a Gold Card yet, you can do so online! Making sure our union stays strong is the only way we can fight back. When we stand together, we win strong contracts, fight off pension attacks, and ensure our communities have quality public services. Choose Local 21 Strong Today!