Local 21 Has Karaoke, Film Screenings, and Education Pieces to Celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month

May was Asian Pacific American Heritage month. Local 21 celebrates our significant population of API (Asian Pacific Islander) members.  

The Local 21 API Caucus was founded in September 2017 after two Local 21 members, Frances Hseih and JR Santos, along with three Local 21 staff members, attended the August 2017 Anaheim APALA (Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, AFL-CIO) conference and were inspired to bring that feeling of empowerment to other API Local 21 members.

The Local 21 API Caucus has since grown to 109 members. You can join and get involved with the Local 21 API Caucus by signing up to get updates and invites to events and activities here!

In celebration of Asian Pacific Islander Heritage month, the Local 21 API Caucus sent emails commemorating prominent API activists Yuri Kochiyama and Larry Itliong.

To view our email on Yuri Kochiyama and APAH month, click here!

To view our email on Larry Itliong and his legacy in the labor movement, click here!

We do not often hear of Asian American labor activists, and these pieces are a celebration of our history. Representation matters in all forms, and it matters that our labor movement recognizes the contributions of Asian American activists.

We also hosted a Local 21 API Caucus karaoke on May 17th at Music Café in Oakland. Local 21 members met labor friends from across different chapters and jurisdictions and bonded over songs and snacks. View photos from the event here!

APALA’s San Francisco chapter hosted a screening of “The Long Ride”, a timely documentary that follows the historic 2003 Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride.  Local 21 was honored to be Torch Bearer sponsor. We also provided a Local 21 swag bag for the night’s raffle. View photos from the event here!

We hope these activities educate, engage, and inspire us all to become more active within our own union, Local 21, and within the labor movement at large.