HSS recently announced the new rates for 2019. The Blue Shield Trio plan rates will increase by $0-$19.23, while the Blue Shield Access+ rates will increase $0-$39.89 per month. Kaiser plans will stay almost the same, with rates decreasing very slightly. See below for more details, and click on the below links for the full reports.
2019 San Francisco Healthcare Rates for Active Employees
SF HHS Board – May 10, 2018 (and City Plan decision @ June 14)
Blue Shield of California 2019 Flex Funded HMO Rates and Premium Contributions—Active Employees and Early Retirees
Plan: Access+
93 / 93 / 83 Contribution Strategy for Employees
Active EE Monthly Contrib. increase 10.5% ($5.78-39.89) per month, depending on coverage.
Plan: Trio
93 / 93 / 83 Contribution Strategy for Employees
Active EE Monthly Contrib. increase 5.6%* ($2.78-19.23) per month, depending on coverage.
Link W/ Rate Cards: http://www.myhss.org/downloads/board/regular_meetings/2018/RM_051018_BSC…
Kaiser Permanente 2019 HMO Rates and Premium Contributions—Active Employees and Early Retirees
Plan: Kaiser
93 / 93 / 83 Contribution Strategy for Employees
Active EE Monthly Contrib. decrease by 0.3% (-$0.15-0.93) per month, depending on coverage.
Link W/ Rate Cards: http://www.myhss.org/downloads/board/regular_meetings/2018/RM_051018_Kai…