Accountants and Auditors Chapter Marches on the Boss and Holds Management Accountable


Accountants and Auditors Chapter members at MTA’s Controller’s Office have claimed victory in their campaign to hold management accountable over issues that were reaching a boiling point. Members were deeply concerned about being directed to share passwords to sensitive financial systems with contract workers, in violation of the Controllers’ Policy and Procedures. Additionally, members said it was unacceptable that more and more jobs were being outsourced while civil service jobs stayed vacant for more than a year.  


After staging a march on the boss and submitting a petition, Local 21 members won a meeting with MTA Controller Matthew McDonald. As a result of the meeting, McDonald issued a series of memoranda, agreeing to all of Local 21 requests:


  • ·      Agreement to stop the unacceptable practice of password-sharing to financial systems, thereby strengthening internal controls at MTA.

  • ·      Management will issue a memo recommitting to zero tolerance for retaliation for speaking up about unfavorable working conditions.

  • ·      Management will stop outsourcing what should be civil service jobs for accountants to outside contractors.

  • ·      Management will use the Controller’s FAST team to assist accountants at MTA to fill the manpower void


This is an amazing example of what members can to together in their workplaces! Taking action is what being a union member is all about. Congrats to the Accountants and Auditors Chapter for their win!