In the coming weeks and months our communities will be increasingly challenged by the growing spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), which is now classified by the World Health Organization as a pandemic.
Union siblings: you are not alone. Local 21 is fully focused on you as each of you marshals your best efforts to serve and protect the public during this pandemic. We are taking every precaution as a union to protect the health and safety of our members, as well as the public we serve.
I want to thank our members for the work they do every day to serve the residents of the Northern California. These residents are looking to us now more than ever. Dedicated public servants are leaders in our communities — including in times of emergency. We must continue to provide leadership, advocacy, and solidarity to meet the challenges we face.
Many of our members and union siblings are either on the frontline of managing this emergency or are themselves vulnerable to its worst impacts. Members of Local 21 are being called on to become disaster service workers, and many of our members across the Bay Area will be keeping our vital services running throughout this emergency.
In accordance with best practices for decreased spread of the coronavirus, we are suspending all large gatherings until further notice. This includes union meetings, candidate forums, and our delegate assembly.
Given the urgency of this situation, we have requested the following from all public agencies that represent Local 21 members:
>> Click here to download the Local 21 COVID-19 flyer <<
This situation brings into stark relief the importance of our commitment to fully funding public services. Now is the time to demand more, not less, in public resources.
This crisis also demands solidarity with each other and our communities. Stopping this virus requires collective action, and an understanding that our fates as individuals — public workers and residents alike — are connected and the same. We reject all unscientific, xenophobic, and greedy responses.
We are in this together.
In Solidarity,
Gus Vallejo
IFPTE Local 21