IFPTE Local 21 Federal Stimulus Bill Summary: Aid to Public Agencies

IFPTE Local 21 Federal Stimulus Bill Summary: Aid to Public Agencies

Initial analysis of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act

Signed into law: March 27th, 2020


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$150 Billion — Coronavirus Relief Fund for state, local and tribal governments. 

Local agencies with populations over 500,000 may directly request 45% of the funds allocated for their state according to a formula based on population. 


Estimated funding available for request by Bay Area Counties: 

• Santa Clara County: $335 million

• Alameda County: $286 million

• Contra Costa County: $197 million

• San Francisco County: $152 million


$30 Billion — Education Stabilization Fund 

Administered by states to school districts and institutions of higher education for costs related to the coronavirus. 


$45 Billion — Disaster Relief Fund

Administered by FEMA for the immediate needs of state, local, tribal and territorial governments to protect citizens and help them respond and recover from the effects of COVID-19.


$4.3 Billion — Public Health Agencies

Additional funds through the Center for Disease Control to support federal, state and local public health agencies to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the coronavirus.


$25 billion — Transit Systems 

Funds for transit systems will be distributed through existing Department of Transportation funding formulas. Bay Area transit agencies, including BART, are projected to receive $1.3 billion.


$10 Billion — Airports

Estimated funding available in the form of grants to Bay Area Airports:

• SFO: $254 million

• OAK: $40 million



$4 Billion — Homelessness Assistance 

Grants with priority to agencies with the greatest need. These funds cover costs incurred prior to the stimulus bill and may be used to provide hazard pay for individuals working in homelessness programs. 


Medicare & Medicaid

Increased pay for hospitals admitting Medicare patients. Delay in scheduled cut in funding that would have gone into effect in May.