Media Advisory for TODAY, May 3, 2022
Alameda Labor Council
Contact: Luke Thibault, 760-534-9958
TODAY at 5 pm: Bay Area Labor, Social Justice and Elected Leaders Vow to Vigorously Defend Reproductive Rights
Community Leaders to Rally at Oakland Federal Building to Protect Women’s Autonomy, Freedom
Today at 5 p.m., Bay Area Labor, social justice and community leaders will rally at the Ronald V. Dellums Federal Building in Oakland to declare that economic freedom and reproductive freedom are inextricably linked and an attack on women’s reproductive rights is a direct attack on all workers.
In the aftermath of the leaked draft of a Supreme Court of the United States decision overturning Roe v. Wade, leaders from across the Bay Area vow to protect women’s health and ensure that every woman in California has full autonomy over her own body.
If Roe is overturned, the impact would fall hardest on low-wage women, women of color, immigrants and other vulnerable groups. The direct link between this unprecedented attack on women’s core freedoms and the ongoing assault on working people threatens the fabric of democracy. Leaders will call for a renewed commitment to building a truly intersectional movement to fight these attacks — in the streets and at the ballot box — to preserve our fundamental rights.
WHAT: Rally and press conference to protect women’s reproductive freedoms
WHO: Bay Area Labor, Social Justice and Community Leaders
WHEN: TODAY, May 3, at 5 p.m.
WHERE: In front of Ronald V. Dellums Oakland Federal Building (1301 Clay St, Oakland)